VR Curry – It’s a thing

Meals for one with a difference

Japan is the outright leader of all things plain weird. When it comes to dating and sex, they don’t ever seem to have that little voice in their head that says ‘No. Seriously. No.’ There seems to be nothing sacred that cannot be marketed with a little sex factor and this week it seems to be the humble curry. Apparently curry is the favourite meal of Japanese men folk, especially those who buy ready meals for one and marketers have decided that what is really missing from these men’s lives is a date to share their meal with them. So the Virtual Reality curry has been launched.

Virtual dinner date

The curry is real enough but the actress on the accompanying DVD isn’t. The plan is that you heat up your little plastic tray with the rice and the curry in the microwave and put on the DVD at the same time so that when you microwave bings your ‘girlfriend’ and you can sit down and enjoy the same meal together. Of course this type of date can be a little limiting for obvious reasons and there is not a great deal of actual interaction going on. One might go as far as to say that it could be considered a life like girl friend experience in that the conversation might be a little one sided with no positive or tactile interaction whatsoever!

Real Girlfriend exeprience at Agency Barracuda

At Agency Barracuda we are not entirely sure how we feel about this, other than a little underwhelmed, especially when you consider you can enjoy a dinner date with any of our gorgeous escorts in London and enjoy a real flesh and blood girlfriend experience with a woman who will listen and attend to your every need – other than the washing up, there will be no washing up. Call us up and explore the sexy possibilities of spicy fun which do not include VR girl friends or sad little meals for one!

#VR ready meal #VRGirlfriend

Image credit: Village Vanguard

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