Lets Talk Barcelona!

Barcelona is one of the top cities in the world for its economy, leisure industry and sheer beauty however it now has one other thing to add to its list of accolades. It is now the first city in the world to open a brothel entirely full of sex dolls. Now, most people will think of those awful plastic creations that smell funny and squeak when touched, not Lumidolls these are amazing feats of engineering that actually do create the most lifelike looking females who happen to be made out of plastic however good they look. There are plenty of different types of Lumidolls and each one has her own name and ‘style’ and for the relatively low cost of £1500 you can have one made to your specifications.

Obviously the dolls do not actually interact with their clients but rather they simply silently let the gentleman carry on and yes, this could be a step forward in reducing the number of trafficked women across the globe but it still is about as personal as a DIY job. Something that the world of engineering needs to understand is that the reason many gentlemen visit a beautiful escort is not just because of her beauty of her physical appeal, it is the comfort and sense of connection that only humans together can enjoy. Indeed after opening in Barcelona earlier this year the ‘brothel’ received many complaints from lots of different groups of concerned people not least local residents, city officials and sex professionals themselves, who stated the obvious in that they do not provide the emotional connection you would expect to receive from a genuine human being.

The dolls certainly are a work of art though as they are the most lifelike we have ever seen. They can be posed in a number of different positions and the latest design ‘Yoko’ has been made so that she stays at a continual 37C temperature through out her body! Katy has proven most popular at Lumidolls and as you might expect Katy is blessed with generous breasts, large soft lips and an abundance of soft blonde hair. However if the busty blonde does not appeal then clients can choose from Kanda or Lily, Kanda being the brunette, dark skinned version and Lily a Caucasian brunette. Each of the ‘girls’ can be dressed in various outfits of the clients wishes and surprisingly the workout outfit has proven very popular with gentlemen in Barcelona although more fetish items are apparently preferred with British clients.

Lumidoll is planning to open a ‘brothel’ in the UK and is currently wading through the red tape in order to do so but as these are not real people, the laws are somewhat different and sex professionals in the UK see it as unfair competition.

At Agency Barracuda we are all for people being able to fulfil their desires in whatever way they see fit to do so and whilst we certainly wouldn’t be in opposition of a Lumidolls brothel opening in London we do question the format in which it works. In Barcelona the prices equate to roughly £70 per half hour with the dolls which is not too far off the average cost of time and companionship with a London escort and since the Barcelona brothel offers both incalls and outcalls, one would wonder at the ability to smuggle them into a hotel room without receiving some very strange looks.

We have all seen the films of future where sex is no longer something to be enjoyed by two human beings and with the progression of these AI robots who knows where this will lead us. Perhaps in a few years time we will be writing about an AI brothel opening in London and wondering as to the popularity of it, maybe we would have a gallery full of AI escorts or our own Lumidoll gallery for those who prefer to spend time with a sex doll rather than a real life, living , breathing, writhing woman.

The truth is that we don’t know where the future will take us but what we do know is that it will be lead by our clientele and if that is the way they want their desires to lead then of course we will follow. So really it is not up to us, it is up to you, our clients.  

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