Slim shaming no more

There has been much written about fat shaming in the media and press of late however apparently when it comes to slim shaming, it seems the rules do not apply. Many an ad campaign has come under fire for having the audacity to claim to help women get ‘beach body ready’ or ‘summer body’ apparently it is no longer acceptable to want to stay slim and toned and ‘real’ women should be embracing the extra so called ‘curves’ (otherwise known as excess weight) and indeed delight in showing them off to all and sundry.

Whilst we do not condone all the so called ‘fat-shaming’ we hear about, we also do not condone the same to be done to those who work hard to keep themselves at a size and shape they desire. Since many women aspire to the fit and toned look, why should they be lambasted for it simply because someone else either cannot or is not willing to attain it.  At Agency barracuda our clients can make dates with women of all shapes and sizes however we do find that many of our high class and elite London escorts are those who would not look out of place in an advert promoting the ‘ideal’ feminine shape. (even if that does upset some people)

As you can see from our galleries our London escorts are all physically inspiring and universally appealing. They all have that hourglass shape in varying degrees although whether they are blessed with buxom curves or more slender ones they are all in perfect proportion and look amazing either in or out of the outfits they choose to wear.

Whilst we understand that for many women, attaining these kinds of amazing figures is a great deal of work however this will not stop us from celebrating the hard work and dedication our london escorts show in maintaining their beautiful and enviable physiques. Those in the fitness industry work hard to achieve their level of fitness and this is accepted so why shouldn’t our model London escorts be equally as congratulated for their efforts. Whilst all of our clients show their appreciation of the beauty and stunning looks our London escorts possess given the mood in the general population we felt it only right that perhaps the other side to the story was given some promotion. At Agency Barracuda we appreciate that everyone is different and has different aspirations in life and places different levels of importance of things and in the case of our gorgeous London escorts, their visual appeal is important to them so who are we, or anyone else to say that is not acceptable.

If you enjoy the beauty of a stunning young woman who happens to have a lively and flirty personality with the confidence and adventurousness that goes with it then do feel free to book a date with our gorgeous Slim London escorts tonight. Our team are available to offer assistance where necessary so please do not hesitate to call.

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