Remember, Remember it tickles in Movember!

It is only the start of November so we thought we might get this out of the way before the bristles begin to burn! Many gentlemen have joined the cause to raise awareness of men’s health issues and are at the very beginning of their epic facial hair growth. The next few days and weeks will see stubble transform into impressive facial fluff requiring daily attention and new bathroom products previously unheard of. If you are taking part in this very deserving cause, do spare a thought for the delicate skin of your female companion.

Steel Wool is Not Sexy

Beard burn is really a thing and quite a painful thing too! Much like nuzzling a scouring pad, your blunt bristles can cause quite an issue for the soft areas of your lady so to avoid a porcupine peck why not invest in some softening cream that nourishes your follicles and changes the texture from steel wool to fleecy fuzz, your sexy London escort will certainly thank you for your consideration!

Movember is a divisive subject and whilst the very mention of it can bring some women out in hives others love snuggling up to a furry face. For the first week or so every man is likely to receive a great deal of positive attention from the congratulatory approval of supporting a great cause to the saucy sideways glances of women who appreciate the rugged masculine lumberjack look. Fast forward a few days and you find that women are holding their children’s hands tighter as you walk past and appreciation has turned to derision as you start to resemble the bad 70’s porn star look.

Say No to Tash Rash

Mustaches look good with beards, alone they look a little lost and sad. Unless you decide to dress accordingly and don your black leather biker gear or perhaps a red ringmaster jacket be prepared to be the subject of a lot of unsolicited opinions, both good and bad. Just remember that no woman looked great with tash rash. Ever.

#Movember15 #tashrash #beardburn

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