One Good Deed

My boyfriend was out of the city for the weekend, on a stag weekend with the boys, which left me on my lonesome in the city.

Luckily I have a great group of girlfriends who are as into having fun as I am. They are all beautiful, adventurous girls who enjoy all the delights that a city like London can offer. I am a brunette, attractive and work as an escort. This job suits me as I have always had a really high sex drive and have struggled to find a partner that can keep up with me. I enjoy meeting people and having new seductive experiences, and sharing my body makes me feel really good.

My boyfriend understands this and we have an open relationship. It turns us on to talk about our sexual adventures, and a date night with someone else always leads to sex when I get home after it. And when he meets a new playmate he tells me all about it until I am dripping with excitement and eager to try out what he has learnt. I knew there was a good chance that he would hook up with someone over the weekend as his crowd are all wild, good-looking boys and I planned on doing the same. This weekend I wanted something a bit different from normal so I called up one of my girlfriends who is always up for some erotic excitement and who secretly I have had a bit of a girl crush on for like ever.

I met her in town for drinks, she looked absolutely stunning, her tall, athletic frame wrapped in a skin-tight black dress and her black hair artfully curled around her olive skinned face and gorgeous full pink lips. She towered above my petite frame and I noticed heads turn as we walked into a bar, her dark good looks and high spike heels set off by my innocent, blonde girlish appearance, appearances can be deceptive however as I was wearing no panties under my short flowered dress.

We sat down at the bar and ordered up some cocktails and looked around the dance floor at people strutting their stuff. The place was packed and all the dancers were sweaty and abandoned, I was starting to feel turned on watching them. I looked at my friend and she could not keep her eyes off one girl, a pretty redhead dancing alone on the floor. After two or three drinks we got up to dance and I watched as she undulated round the dance floor and then around my willing body.  I noticed the red haired girl watching us with an impish grin on her red lips and on an impulse I grabbed her hand and pulled her in to dance with us. As the three of us spun, writhed and gyrated, we started to rub our lithe bodies against each other, I could see my friends nipples were rock hard so I cheekily tweaked them then pulled the red haired girl in to do the same. We started to kiss and touch each other’s bodies, getting more and more into it, until we were all panting and laced with a light sweat and before long we had quite a crowd round us, men with drinks in hand, gazing lasciviously at our breasts and mouths, enjoying the little show that we were putting on. Just to tease, we ground up against them and felt them getting hard in their jeans, which turned us on even more. We felt their hands all over our bodies and I lost count of how many men I kissed that hot night. They loved watching the three of us kiss and this just spurned us on to be even more daring, my friend pulled off the red haired woman’s top and started to stroke and suck at her perfect body. I pulled my dress off and stood on the dance floor completely naked apart from a pink thong. The girl pulled me in and before long the three of us were rolling around, feverishly kissing each other and anyone who cared to join in. The crowd around us cheered as we ground our hips and gyrated for them, and we all felt hands roaming around our breasts, thighs and asses, it was so hot, we were all very turned on. The watching men loved seeing us caress each other and shouted out encouragement and orders, it was such fun being ordered about in such a playful, sexy manner. I was told to strip them both with my mouth, which I loved immensely and so did the girls.

Eventually the bar closed and we said goodbye to the horny men who had been watching us and grabbed a taxi back to my place and settled down in my living room. It turned out that my friend had brought a bag of toys with her for us to try out. I let her tie me up and tease my body with a feather tickler then a leather whip, whipping me just hard enough to leave red marks across my breasts and ass but not enough to really hurt.  I then tied up the pretty redhead and ordered my friend to tease and seduce her; we all had such seductive adventures that night, staying up until we all but passed out from erotic exhaustion. When my boyfriend got back home, he loved hearing everything about my night and it turned us both on so much that next time it happens I plan on having him there with us as that will really be a night to remember.

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