Keep the receipt!

Returning presents is a common occurrence after Christmas. You may have received two of something or perhaps something is not the right fit but spare a thought for the man in Minnesota who tried to return a penis pump only to be denied by the store assistant on the presumption that he was using it incorrectly. Obviously the shopper was upset but clearly he was more frustrated than the store member imagined since he put a gun to the assistant’s head!  Luckily no-one was injured and police are still hunting for the man (who incidentally still wants a replacement pump)!

Agency Barracuda aim to reduce any frustrations you may have over the holiday period without the need for devices of any kind. Our stunning London escorts have exactly the right equipment already to reduce your stress and leave you feeling relaxed and chilled and ready to enjoy the rest of the New Year celebrations, whatever they may be.

Whilst toys and intimate devices may not have been top of your Christmas list, our stunning escorts in London should be! With their unquestionable beauty and ability to fulfil even the most intimate desires it is likely that this is the gift to yourself you will want to return to again and again. It’s lucky that we have so many stunning companions to choose from so that gentlemen can enjoy a different encounter every time and fulfil even the most varied choice in pleasures.

Rather than saving your receipt, with our beauties you will want to save our phone number so that you can access us quickly whenever you feel the desire and it is good fortune that we are always here ready and waiting to see your needs gratified and satisfied. Why not give us a call and see which of our London escorts is available today – you can rest assured that you wont want to return this gift to yourself! 07912673063

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