How’s that diet going?

Nearly three weeks into January and by now most people’s resolutions were broken by the time the Christmas decorations came down – some resolutions didn’t last beyond the New year’s hangover but if you are still on track – look away now as we have something that will either send you screaming to the nearest Holland and Barrett to stock up on healthy budgie seeds.

Macdonalds – the fast food joint which, last year, toyed with the healthy option have clearly given all that up as a bad idea and gone full throttle for the most weirdest, ridiculous menu item to date. Introducing the McChocco potato. In real life this is a serving of salted fried drizzled with milk and white chocolate sauce. Now this probably is already a thing further up in the North of the UK but it is being made official in Japan of all places with the new menu item being trailed there before being rolled out in all restaurants.

Mixed reactions, mainly ridicule we might add, but then again, don’t knock it until you have tried it. Adventure seems to be the name of the game here with the aim of offering a unique combo so customers don’t have to choose – much like our duo encounters in a way. Our clients get to spend time with two beauties so that he does not have to limit himself to one – all the fun and a wonderful variety option.

Whilst this new attack on our taste buds is yet to arrive in the UK, clients can already enjoy duo encounters with two of our stunning London escorts at the same time. They don’t even need to be bisexual escorts either as their attention is entirely focused on you, unless of course you want to enjoy a private show and have everyone involved with each other? Choice is certainly a good thing although not sure about chocolate sauce on chips – that’s just nasty!

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