Grab The Wine For A Better Relationship!

Alcohol enthusiasts rejoice! New research has just confirmed the advantage of drinking with your special partner , so you may want to start making a list of watering holes to visit in London soon.

A recent study published in the Journals of Gerontology has revealed that couples that who hole up with some booze experience a more fulfilling relationship. Of course our beautiful London escorts enjoy a tipple from time to time so if you want to stock up on the veuve clicquot we suggest you make sure you are in the best company to enjoy it. Before you start merrily downing shots, the study also revealed that too much can also hinder your full enjoyment of your intimate time together  so whilst doing the same things together can have an enhancing effect, know when to stop to ensure you stay at the peak of your performance!

For those who are delighted with this piece of affirmative research, there is double joy as London is a haven for every kind of drinker. From casual drinking dens to high-end rooftop bars, our charming capital is a treasure trove of watering holes in all locations. Our London escorts too, love to enjoy an evening out at any of the top bars in the city so why not check out the range of boundary-breaking cocktail bars that take mixology to the next level at Charing Cross, or travel back in time with home-brewed traditional ales at any of the traditional pubs over at SoHo. Our beautiful London escorts can be booked for local dates so no matter where your local is, we will no doubt have a beauty who could be with you in no time at all.

Of course rather than going out in public, you may prefer to enjoy that bottle of Sauvignon in the intimate surroundings of your home or hotel room, either way, sharing your favourite poison with the woman of your dreams could cement your relationship more than you could ever imagine. Either way bottoms up!

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