Back to work blues

It is the second day of the working week and already Christmas seems like it was last year! Reality has kicked in and your joggers have been put away for another year in favour of tailored suits and work clothes. Your mornings may now consist of getting up in the dark and your afternoons denote coming home in the dark. There is the little matter of the Christmas party discretion to face and then the prospect of weeks and months of this daily grind before you can enjoy your two weeks off in the summer.

If this sounds like you then you need something to lift your spirits and remind you that it is not all doom and gloom. You get to see your office crush again and waste your time on all those NSFW websites – perhaps you might even give us a visit at Agency Barracuda. Our girls are definitely not safe for work but them it is excitement you are looking for not safety right?

Why not make a date for one evening this week and even just a single hour of fun can be stretched out over the course of three days given that you will have 24 hours of anticipation, 12 hours of preparation and another 24 hours of reliving the date over and over again in your mind. At this rate it will soon be spring! Our stunning London escorts are guaranteed to put a spring in your step and raise the eyebrows of your work colleagues who will wonder why you are quite so spritely lately. Keep them guessing of course until they see you out and about with your chosen London escort date, perhaps enjoying a candlelit dinner or a few cheeky drinks after work and feel the envy as they see you head towards your home together and let them imagine the fun you will both be having when you arrive! Call us now at Agency Barracuda for the rescue remedy for the back to work malaise.

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