Are you Bi-modal?

We should all be bi-modal apparently. This is not a new way to enjoy a sensual and erotic pleasure,. Although if you are feeling adventurous who is to say that there is anyting wrong in that but Bi-modal actually means sleeping twice a day or enjoying segmented sleep. Up until the early 19th century this was the norm. people would have their first sleep in the day and then their second sleep later in the night time. This is a more natural way to listen to the needs of one’s body and it seems that in today’s modern society, trying to cram in 8 hours sleep in one go is proving difficult. So bring back the siesta we say!

Of course to fully experience the benefits of a deep slumber, anxiety reduction and physical exertion are necessary so for all those insomniacs out there perhaps an overnight encounter with one of our beautiful high class London escorts could be just what the doctor ordered in order for you to fully enjoy a peaceful and relaxing sleep. Of course an all night encounter does not mean that you will be kept awake all night long, our ladies need their beauty sleep too but just the comfort and warmth of waking in the arms of a beautiful woman will do wonders for your vitality and energy levels the next day so this is something that we recommend wholeheartedly!

Given the erratic lifestyles we lead today perhaps two naps a day could in fact help us all out to become much more productive. Sticking to the social norm in a world of 24 hour action is very limiting to say the least. Our London escort agency is open from 9am right through to 2am so there is plenty of time for you to make your date with our high class escorts in London. Why not give us a call now but make sure you have a nap before your date so you are ready and raring to go!

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