Take out a Tantalisingly Tall Escort Tonight!

What is it about a tall escort that sends most men – and women, for that matter – wild? Is it because height often equates with slenderness? And, of course, clothes hang beautifully on tall, slender women.

Or is it the height dominance thing? Whatever it is, we have tried to analyse it in this article, and have spoken to some of our very own beautiful and frank tall escorts in the process. Now read on to find out what was revealed…

Tall escorts London – domineering!

It appears that not all – but some – men love being with a woman taller than them to the extent it feels as if she is positively looming over them. It’s the ‘mother-thing’ for many of these men. They remember being mollycoddled by a taller figure and, as such, find being with a tall escort comforting. This is especially the case if she is older than them and isn’t averse to a little role playing of her own. And many of our ladies aren’t, let us assure you about that, right now! In fact, for many of our lovely escorts, role playing is very much their thing.

Tall escorts London – model-type figures and faces!

For other men it is undeniably the glamour aspect that attracts them to being seen out and about with a tall escort. In fact, any woman over 5ft 10” tall tends to get more attention, from both sexes, due to her height. She also tends to look fantastic – regardless of what she is wearing at the time.

It’s that model statuesque touch that smaller women find they just cannot replicate – no matter how hard they try with their skyscraper high heels, platform shoes and hair piled up on top of their heads. Tallness, a straight back, and the confidence that goes with it isn’t something that can be copied, after all. And if that tall London escorts just happens to be beautiful to boot then those smaller women are, quite simply, outclassed. No two ways about it…

And, indeed, many of our tall escorts have been – and still are – models. They often supplement their income by helping out lingerie companies when it comes to modelling bras, bikinis and new underwear styles. Russian escorts are particularly prevalent in this sector due to the fact we do happen to be a taller race, with slender hips and long shapely legs. That is not to say that other races don’t have these traits. They do, of course, it is just that it is far more likely for a Russian escort to have them than say a Japanese, Taiwanese or even a Mexican woman.

Being exposed to so much gorgeous silk, satin and linen means, of course, that they are incredibly choosy when it comes to wearing underwear of their own. So, if you are planning and dropping off a present of a pair of panties for the next tall escort that you find yourself booking for a date, just make sure those panties are of designer origin! And the right size, naturally…

Tall escorts London – book your date today!

In order to secure yourself a date with one of our stunning tall escorts all you have to do is dial our number at Agency Barracuda and get ringing on 07912 673 063. Of course, before you do that, check out our gallery of gorgeous gals to find which lovely lady appeals to you most. You will also find her height listed in the profile.

Rest-assured too that all the photographs on our pages are genuine. This means you can be certain that the beauty you see online is the same beauty who will be sharing a cocktail with you later on your chosen evening. And, ok if you must – you can pretend too that she is a gorgeous Russian spy just waiting to trip you up (not literally, of course…)

For clients who prefer not to phone – and we perfectly understand this, privacy is sacrosanct, after all – you can also drop us an email via [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and promise to return contact as soon as we possibly can.

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