Couples have always been keen to push the boundaries of their sensual desires and explore new avenues of fun and adult play however until now, a threesome has always tended to involve a mutual friend or someone that is known to the couple and whilst the adventure is exciting at the time, the subsequent effects can be confusing in the least and damaging at the most. Our couples escorts or escorts for couples solve the issue of any lasting damage to the relationship and indeed provide the mesh with which the couple can forge a stronger bond with their shared experience.

Our escorts for couples are happy to be the additional female in a male/female encounter. A threesome is a fantasy for many couples however the added element of danger usually stops couples from pursuing their desires. Our couples escorts remove the emotional concerns and provide a no strings, commitment free solution to achieving their joint desires.

A threesome is the ultimate fantasy for not just men but women too. In a society where sensuality has become more fluid, women pleasing other women is not so unusual. The fact that the woman in the couple can rest assured that the encounter will be as fleeting as she wants it to be with o further entanglement ensures a relaxed and confident tryst.

Enjoying a liaison with one of our couples escorts allows both the man and the woman to fulfil one of their ultimate desires. The man can be as involved as his partner desires as our couples escorts have no other desire than to see the couple enjoy their time together. A couples encounter can be truly intoxicating and the ultimate pleasure between a couple. Long gone are the ménage a trios scenarios where a friend causes a rift between the couple as our couples escort has no further designs on either of the couple.

Our couples escorts at Agency Barracuda are experienced in the art of ensuring both men and women reach their full potential both individually and as a shared pleasure. As you can see from our gallery we have a number of bisexual London escorts who are more than happy to guide you both along the path to self discovery and push the boundaries of your desire onto ever higher planes of fulfilment.

Enjoying an encounter with our couples escorts allows the couple all of the freedom to explore their desires with none of the dangers or possible pitfalls. Our couples escorts area only interested in the delight and sensual pleasure of the moment and have no desire to extend any further relationship. In short they are no threat to the relationship and their anonymity ensures that the tryst will become a fleeting fantasy of a moment shred between two consenting adults.

Why not give us a call and let us help to find the couples escorts who is best suited to both your needs. All of our couples escorts are respectful of your relationship and have no designs on causing anything but a shared and strengthened bond between you. Our experienced and professional elite companions are available whenever you are ready to explore the next step of your relationship.

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