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Lavender Reviews
Lavender was like a breath of fresh air. She was very warm and made me comfortable very quickly. Even though she is only in london for few days, she was still fantastic host by ensuring that everything was available for me as a guest. I loved how she genuinely tried to make a connection before anything else started. She was very friendly and at the same time, very seductive. The moment I kissed her, I knew it was going to be a great evening. She is a passionate kisser. She also picked up on my cues quickly and allowed me to lead the play and do exactly what I wanted without interrupting or diverting to anything else. She is one of those few who can turn from cute pretty girl to a hot and sensual one very fast. She has an irresistible body from head to toe, all you probably want to do was to kiss her everywhere and arouse her. I'm not going to go into more details as that's between me and her, but I can definitely say that I had one of the best times. She was the first Brazilian woman I have been with, and they are already my favorite.
By Nick on March 19, 2023 7:30 pm -