One of the most enjoyable aspects of sensual fun is the chance to really let your imagination run wild and take on a character that allows you to behave in a way that you would not normally. Becoming a different person or type of person gives you the freedom to let your inhibitions melt away and fully enjoy certain pleasures or behaviours that you may not be able to under normal circumstances.

Our escorts fully understand this issue and in order to help their clients realise their ultimate goal in satisfaction and in order to help them to ‘let their hair down’ they encourage role-play encounters. In order to help their clients become fully immersed in the experience they have a range of outfits that they can wear to enhance the feel of the tryst. Our escorts with outfits not only wear the correct attire that will enhance the entire experience but they also like to get themselves into character mentally so that they can act out that role and create a totally believable encounter.

There are many different characterisations that our clients tend to lean towards and our escorts with outfits make sure that they understand the type of role they will be playing and ensure they have all the clothing and accessories that will make the tryst convincing. Role play encounters are sometimes known as fantasy fun and these types of dates would include role playing such as secretary/boss, teacher/pupil, stranger scenarios, housewife/repairman and even include some domination/submission fun. Lots of role playing scenarios allow the client to experience feelings of either dominance or submission or for something that they feel they cannot express in their everyday lifestyle or responsibilities. Role playing is healthy fun that can fulfil all those needs that may frustrate us in everyday life and cause problems. This is a creative and fun way to express desires without any crossover in real life.

Our escorts with outfits have all the kinky little numbers that will make your time together truly unforgettable. Their secretary uniforms have those tight pencil skirts and white opaque blouses which show off their curves with every wiggle. Their high stilettos may not be the most practical office wear but then you will not be needing their 60wpm skills! Schoolgirl outfits represent a more submissive role in which our innocent escorts need to be taught how to perform and receive either reward or punishment for being naughty. Perhaps the sex hungry housewife could seduce a poor unsuspecting repairman who only came to deliver a replacement hose or perhaps a delivery man gets more than he bargains for when knocking for a parcel signature. All these scenarios represent things that never happen in real life but certainly do in our heads so how exciting to be able to re-enact them in a safe and fun environment with a willing partner who can play the part convincingly? Why call and discuss your needs with our experience team who can suggest the perfect playmate for your imagination.

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