Wake up and smell the bacon!

Christmas time is always stressful and one of the biggest headaches is always what gift to buy the person who seems to have everything. If you have a meat lover in your family then why not let them wake up and smell the bacon literally with bacon scented pillowcases from J&D in the good old USA! Incidentally this is the same company that also make bacon scented underwear – knickers for the girls and boxers for the boys with a cleverly positioned rasher of bacon which apparently is supposed to be scented. Given that the World health organisation recently reclassified cured meat as carcinogenic to humans this might be the way to enjoy your bacon without harming your health, although we can’t think of many people who would want a ‘rasher’ down there!

When you are enjoying your date with our beautiful Adventurous London escorts it might be wise to refrain from wearing your aromatic undies as you never know your date might be a vegetarian and simply walking down the street might cause no end of problems in attracting stray dogs and hungry commuters. Let’s not even get started on bacon ‘butties’.

Shopping online can open your eyes to no end of strange and wonderful gift ideas from all over the world but at the end of the day the very best gift you can give is the one you give to yourself to relax and enjoy the company of a sensual and beautiful companion.

Incidentally you can do that online too by viewing our website gallery at Agency Barracuda and if you are looking to enjoy a more adventurous encounter we have plenty of very open minded London escorts who will more than meet your needs. Just one thing to remember before you book – check that they like bacon first!

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