Thanksgiving celebrations with our escorts

Thanksgiving is not so far away and if you are an American Ex-pat then you should really be thinking about how you want to celebrate. There are plenty of places in the city offering a themed dinner service where customers can enjoy roast turkey with all the trimmings just like at home. Of course when enjoying such a celebration you will want to share the very best company and so our stunning high class London escorts will be the ideal ladies to join you for dinner and perhaps a very special after dinner treat!

At Agency Barracuda you will find that our high class London escorts offer incalls in all areas of the city. Not only do they offer incalls but outcalls too and a dinner date would be considered as an outcall (for those new clients who have never enjoyed a date with a London escort before). Whilst it is not necessary to choose an escort who is local to the restaurant, many of our clients prefer to do so. At Agency Barracuda we also have some American escorts who also love to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving so maybe spending time with someone from your own backyard might make you fel more at home!

If you are looking for a taste of Thanksgiving like momma used to make and you happen to be from any of the Southern States then enjoy your Thanksgiving with a Southern feel at Joe’s Southern Kitchen bar. From just £30 per head you can chow down on a main Turkey meal with all the sides and trimmings you are used to and top it all off with a slice of pecan pie and hand crafted cocktail. You don’t need to run off straight after your meal as you can sit back, let your food baby digest and listen to some ‘ole music from the south.

For amore hip all-American style meal try Belushi’s in London bridge where you can enjoy Turkey with all the trimmings, beer pong all against the backdrop of the days NFL games. Might not be the most perfect ambience for a date with your chosen London escort but there is always desert to look forward to! Given that this particular holiday is only around a week away it is probably sensible to act sooner rather than later bo9th in terms of booking your meal and your date that you want to share it with. Our high class London escorts are always extremely popular and given that Kensington and Chelsea has the highest American Ex-pat community throughout London it is no surprise that they always prefer to spend their time with the more high class and elite escorts in London.

Even if your date is not originally from the USA you can rest assured that our ladies love to celebrate and any excuse to do so in great company is always welcomed. Our dinner dates tend to last around 2-3 hours with a single hour of private time reserved for the two of you back at your location so maybe give the pumpkin pie a miss – or better still, have it to go!

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