Super Con is coming

If you are around the Custom House area of London over the weekend you might be forgiven for thinking that either a Hollywood movie was being filmed or that the world was coming to an end. This Saturday sees the fifth annual Super Comic Convention which gives every guy the chance to dress up in their favourite super hero suit and pretend that they are going to save the world. There will definitely be plenty effort going into those costumes as there is a competition which sees the winner win two tickets to New York to attend the convention there – presumably you don’t have to have the super power of flight in order to get there!

Role Play is not something that people grow out of the older they get. These conventions prove it – everyone needs a hero or at least a channel in which to escape our normal daily lives. Our London escorts enjoy role play too although the types of fun you can enjoy with our beauties might be a little more diverse than saving the world. Our role play and fantasy fun escorts like to take on a role which may see them as the controlling element or the submissive one in the relationship, either way as long as both parties throw themselves into the action then it is all good.

Our roleplay escorts are very outgoing and imaginative. They like to fully immerse themselves into whatever role their clients want to enjoy. Responsive and also eager to add to the encounter, if you have a fantasy or a desire that you would like to see realised and it is something that you would rather keep private, then our fantasy London escorts are the girls for you! Take a look at the gallery we have for all our role play escorts and find out which scenarios you feel fit your needs. Cape not included!

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