Officially Christmas Come Down Day!

Today is the day that statistics show that you are  most likely to be involved in some kind of family showdown or conflict because today is Christmas come down day! The presents are now 3 days old and New Years Eve still seems a long way away – your bank balance is already showing signs of collapse and all those things you put off with the excuse ‘oh well, it’s Christmas’ now don’t apply. Moody Monday is the day before you probably have to return to work and you can’t even make things better by hitting the shops because your plastic is all maxed out.

For those who have been cooped up with family for the last few days, enough is enough and today is the virtual hangover (if not a real one) of all the fun. So! What better way to shake off that moody Monday feeling than to enjoy a sensual and truly relaxing date with any of our gorgeous London escorts.

Our galleries are filled with gorgeous girls who will only enhance your spirits and fill you with cheer. If you didn’t already need an excuse to get out of the house, this is perfect as our gloriously gorgeous girls are ready and waiting to add a touch of New Year spice, even if it is a touch early.

If you are heading back to work tomorrow and feel you haven’t had a chance to relax enough, now is your chance to give yourself a belated Christmas gift that will top everything you received this year – and certainly better than that hideous jumper your Nan knitted you!

If you are travelling home from visiting relatives why not make a detour – assuming you are travelling alone of course! That should make the journey a lot more exciting with something to anticipate at your journey’s end. Call Agency Barracuda on 07912673063

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