No Black Friday please, We’re British!

After Thanksgiving comes Black Friday. Another American tradition where major retailers massively reduce the price of many of their lines and sees a shopping frenzy amongst those looking for a bargain. Given that most Americans tend to be off from work due to the Thanksgiving lonf weekend holiday, this event is seen as the start of the Christmas celebrations. In the UK Black Friday has only been introduced in the last couple of years and hit the headlines last year when shoppers were involved in near riots in order to get their hands on the heavily discounted items. This year has seen a marketing campaign adopted by many retailers which reminds us British folk of our politeness and British reserve and discourages against behaving in the manner seen last year!

There are very few things in the UK that are likely to cause a riot – we are usually far too polite for such unbridled displays of public emotion which is why, when the door closes behind our British escorts, clients are often taken by surprise at the ferocity of their passion. At Agency Barracuda we know that our British escorts have an insatiable appetite for pleasure which is why some clients are unsure when we suggest certain ladies for certain types of encounters. Our team are highly skilled and extremely talented at introducing clients to the most suitable London escorts and this is partly why our girls receive the very best feedback possible.

Our British escorts are certainly dark horses. They are perfect for those more taboo encounters as their open minded acceptance of everyone’s personal tastes means that they are happy to enjoy a little kink here and there. Fetish dates and fantasy fun are a particular favourite and clients may be surprised to learn that our British escorts in London have the most outrageous imaginations! If you really want to set your kink free then our British escorts are highly recommended. This is where you find out just how daring you really are!

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