Naked terrace in London

Just in time for the predicted heat wave that is about to hit us, comes the news that a new naked terrace has opened in London. With wonderful views across the city, or perhaps a little closer depending on who you are with, NOWTV has launched this pop up (sorry) in Westminster. Not the first place you might consider when dispensing with your clothes but the cocktail bar, mini trampoline and sun bathing areas are sure to arouse some interest.

Apparently this is a marketing ploy to promote the new contractless TV plans. Dispensing with the norm is the message the company is sending and some bright spark thought ‘hey lets dispense with clothes’ in order to get the message across. Of course it has attracted a great deal of interest in the press but we are not aware of how many people have actually booked.

London is not usually the best place to get your kit off in public, not least because of the weather. Of course you need to be very open minded and this is why our stunning London escorts are always so popular. Their sense of adventure extends beyond most people’s limitations although whether they would be happy visiting a naked London terrace remains to be seen!

Of course getting up close and personal is not a problem when you are in the privacy of your home or hotel and our beautiful escorts in London are happy to offer outcalls to all locations in the city – including Westminster so you don’t have to travel to anywhere you would prefer not to. If you would like to arrange an outcall where the london escort of your choice visits you at home or at your hotel or anywhere else for matter, just give us a call and we can make all the arrangements for you. Call our London escort agency 07912673063.

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