Hate Queuing? Virtual tours just got real

Despite the fact that we LOVE London, the tourists and visitors who also want to experience everything that locals take for granted can make even getting out of the office to grab a coffee a task in itself! Hoards of people at all of the main London attractions make what should be a fun filled day appreciating everything we are lucky enough to have on our doorstep into a real drag so if you don’t like lining up behind that foreign exchange group then sit down, fire up your laptop and take a tour with Google.

The Queen has given her seal of approval for the guided Google tour around Buckingham palace where you can ‘wander’ around 5 of the state rooms for free. No queues, no trains and no pesky tourists! Perfect. Or perhaps not.

Whilst some things are enhanced by a virtual experience – online shopping for one. Who actually likes traipsing around a supermarket every week when you can simply hit a button and have the same stuff delivered every week (bit boring but one can never get bored with pizza)The same applies to sightseeing. The sight is seen. Job done.

There are some things though that are just not the same in the virtual world. Sex. That is definitely something where all participants need to be in the same room at the same time. Yes, there are virtual shows, camshows and all that kind of stuff but for the really earth shattering, heart pumping, breathless encounter you need both people there in person.

Dating, this is another thing that has switched to being online. People now interview one another before making the move out into the real world and actually meeting. You can’t beat that thrill of excitement when your date walks through the door and this is something you can certainly capture when you book a real world date with any of our gorgeous London escorts. You can rely on the fact that our girls really do have genuine pictures so the girl you book is the girl you see. Not many services which start out through an online method can guarantee that! Call Agency Barracuda to meet your match made in heaven , not in your imagination.

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