Forget Winter Wonderland- we want Summerland!

One of the most successful winter events is the Winter Wonderland in Hyde park. Stalls selling Christmas inspired crafts sit alongside the ice rink where you can skate to music and observation wheel and enjoy the acrobatics of Zippos circus and Cirque Beserk. Thrills and spills of the theme park rides can be enjoyed as well as a wander into the little wooden chalets in the Angels and Yuletide market. But wouldn’t you swap it all for a trip to a tropical beach to feel the warmth on your face and the sand between your toes, even if only for one day? If the organisers behind Glastonbury have their way, you could next year.

A crowd funding idea to bring the tropics to London in midwinter could see families sunbathing and playing on the beach during the day and adults revisiting their holiday raves in the evening with live bands performing under the AV night sky. Leave your winter wear in the departure lounge and teleport into the paradise beyond of the Summerland blue lagoon. Sounds magical and a bit more appealing than wandering around a park in the freezing cold and no matter how many flashing lights and Christmas carols they play, it’s still winter in London. At least with Summer land you could get some wear out of those sweet little summer outfits you bought but could not wear because actual summer was a bit of a wash out!

The best dates to enjoy a tropical island with are our beautiful Russian London escorts. Not least because they would simply have to wear a bikini and you could enjoy bubbles of fun in the Jacuzzi whilst watching a live band and sipping cocktails – oh the decadence of it all, and much cheaper than jetting off to Barbados! You won’t get the benefit of vitamin D because the heat and sunshine is all man-made but you will certainly get the feel-good factor especially if your beach buddy is one of our delightful Russian escorts in London.

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