First week over – now book annual leave!

You’ve survived the first week back at work after the Christmas break. This is guaranteed to be the hardest thing you will have to do all year, except of course go back after your summer holiday. However given that you have coped so beautifully for the last 5 days means that you deserve a treat and even though you have only been back at work for a week, Christmas seems like a million years ago!

Time for some ‘me-time’ and what better way – other than a duvet day – to treat yourself than with some sensual company and a whole day to please yourself. In fact you don’t even need to do that as our top elite London escorts will do that for you! You have the perfect excuse in that your annual leave will have started again and some extra lucky people may even have extra days from last year still outstanding. There are lots of companies who insist that annual leave is taken before a certain time otherwise it is forfeited so with your company even pushing you to take a day off – who are you to argue?

Our amazing escorts in London are perfect playmates for a variety of different encounters. You might decide to wrap up and get out in the chilly London air after being cooped up in a stuffy office all week or maybe you prefer to do just the opposite and strip off indoors and laugh in the face of the dreary January weather. Whatever you choose to do your chosen high class London escort will be more than happy to join in and with our imaginative and adventurous companions, they usually have a few ideas of their own! Why not meet up with your chosen date and see what you can come up with together and return to work fresh and rejuvenated, if not well rested!

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