Ear-plugs at the ready

It might be a while away yet but if you are planning to be in London, particularly around the area of the Tower of London on 10th June be prepared to wear ear plugs. Aside from it being longer pub opening hours (priorities here!) it is actually our Queen’s official birthday. As it is being celebrated on the second Saturday of the month it also coincides with the Duke of Edinburgh’s birthday and there will be double the number of rounds fired in the Royal Gun Salute. 124 to be precise so don’t try and make any important phone calls as you will never hear anything!

All the pomp and ceremony are wonderful to watch and indeed they draw in huge crowds of tourists and Londoners alike. If you are in the city at this time then why not make a date with any of our beautiful escorts in London and enjoy all the full regalia our monarchy provides.  It is unlike anywhere else in the world and is fabulous to see firsthand. Of course you may want to go somewhere a little quieter before the guns fire up but even if you go a little deaf afterwards, our elite London escorts need no words in order to communicate. They are fluent in body language which is quite handy and so communication is unlikely to be a problem.

This is all happening in June and this may seem quite away off at the moment as we are only just entering spring but we would advise clients that since there are so many tourists in the city who find out stunning london escorts extremely appealing we would urge our clients to book with as much advance notice as possible.  Why not take a look at your diary now and book your tryst with our stunning London escorts now and have a blast with one of our amazing London escorts.

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