Double the fun with our duo escorts!

A threesome has to be way up there on every man’s list of sensual achievements however it has always been one of these things that have been a bit taboo and ever so slightly awkward to bring up on a first or second date however why shouldn’t a threesome be something you have to share with a partner you know? Why can’t it simply be something you can experience for yourself, your own personal secret little treat!

Of course these sorts of things can be a little difficult to arrange, especially if you are not going to include any of your usual social circle, getting the image of friends and partners getting it on out of your head might lead to difficulties further down the line so to enjoy the best of both worlds, keep those worlds apart and simply enjoy a duo encounter with two of our sensational London escorts.

Fulfilling your please, twice!

Agency Barracuda is dedicated to fulfilling your pleasure and if that pleasure extends to enjoying the personal attentions of two of our stunning escorts in London at the same time then who are we to stand in your way? Our beautiful high class escorts are ladies who are blessed with a fluid sensuality and less rigid ideas on how to have fun and who that fun should be with so there are no hard and fast rules about sticking to a single gender.

A threesome or duo escort date is always going to get a bit wild so it is probably not advisable to even consider including an emotionally committed partner. Threesomes are all about instincts and physical pleasure. They are all about hedonistic fulfilment and any ideas of romance and affection should be firmly pushed aside. The ideal companions with whom to fully exploit these delights are our gorgeous high class London escorts as they have no further designs on your affection or desires beyond your mutually enjoyable date.

When threesomes are not a crowd

At Agency Barracuda a threesome usually involves M/F/F arrangements. Same sex threesomes or M/M/F don’t tend to feature with our stunning ladies simply because our clients adore having all the attention to themselves and there is little chance of two’s company and three being a crowd. At Agency Barracuda three is the magic number when we are talking pleasure and desire and with the added security of knowing that your escapades and exploits will remain completely confidential you can reassure yourself that whatever you need to get your kink on, we can help.

Threesomes can sometimes include couples looking for an extra female to fulfil the fantasies of both partners. This is a much safer way to enhance a relationship as there are no emotions or future awkward encounters to mar the long term union. Couples who have engaged in a threesome with a friend or someone they know don’t tend to be able to move on from the experience whereas enjoying it with someone completely neutral just adds to the excitement.

Given that Christmas is just around the corner, you could treat yourself with a very personal gift experience that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. Besides, who else needs to know?

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