Channel your fantasies

Fantasies are a common driving force behind our sensual pleasures. Often they are taboo subjects that people keep to themselves for fear of attracting social ridicule or judgement however fantasies can allow us to achieve a greater sensual satisfaction and even initiate sensual pleasure in the first place.

At our London escort agency we are open minded and accepting that different people have different fantasies. It is not as unusual as many people might think and the chances are your fantasy may not be as outlandish as you imagine however given that is has always been a taboo subject that doesn’t tend to be talked about in public, people have lived under the impression that there is something wrong in fantasising about their desires.

A new Youtube channel has changed all that with people openly uploading short videos talking about their personal fantasies and some are quite surprising and worlds apart from their normal way of thinking and belief values. Lack of control and submission is a common theme in people who have a great amount of responsibility in their everyday lives and for women who extol equality, being ‘forced’ or coerced into sensual acts is also something they secretly desire. A fantasy is recognised as just that. Something that may or may not take place in a safe environment. To cross the boundaries between fact and fantasy takes some important measures into consideration and our beautiful London escorts are more than qualified to recognise and respect the difference. What your sensual mind desires, may be something totally different to what your conscience may agree with!

The whole point of the channel is to reduce the shame that some people may feel. This shame will eventually creep in on other areas of their lives and inhibit their relationships and ability to feel pleasure. Fantasies are a perfectly natural and enjoyable part of being human and something that should not be judged, assuming that they are fulfilled with consenting partners who also share the same desire to fulfil the scenario.

Our very own role play escorts and indeed our escorts who use uniforms are the perfect playmates for these types of encounters and given that many people, at the moment, find themselves unable to share these most intimate and private fantasies with their nearest and dearest, it can sometimes be easier to unburden yourself on a perfect stranger. This is where the YouTube channel has helped somewhat both in allowing those who have take the brave step of uploading their own videos but also for those who have realised that they are not weird or unusual as they too share similar desires.

With the public acceptance of the whole 50 shades of grey phenomena, it is not difficult to see that there is a forum for public awareness and acceptance however the stigma of being seen as different and revealing one’s most private desires with the chance of being openly ridiculed means that many people’s intimate fantasies are likely to remain just that for the foreseeable future. This is where our role play escorts, our fantasy escorts and indeed our Uniform escorts have such an important (and interesting) role to play in our lives.

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