A Right Cock-Up

The twins looked the same but sexually they certainly did not have the same personality. Lynn was wild, and admitted herself that she was a bit of a slut. Sara was very well behaved in comparison and had had only one sexual partner in her life, a long-term boyfriend. But because the girls looked so similar men kept mistaking her for Lynn and coming on to her, suggesting they had already got up to the craziest of sexual escapades.

This had been a major reason why Sara had moved to another city but she did have to come back home and see her family from time to time. It was during one of these visits that Lynn asked her to do her a big favour.

“I’ve been a bit of an idiot and done something daft”, she said, “I got my diary mixed up and have said yes to two dates tonight, so will you go along and meet Mike and pretend to be me, he won’t know the difference and he is a really cool guy, we were only planning on going out for a meal.” “No bloody way!”  But Lynn pleaded and begged so much that Sara eventually gave in. The arrangement was that she was to go to Mike’s flat at 6.00pm and pick him up as his car was in the garage. At six Sara found herself outside a rather luxurious looking flat and nervously knocked on the door, and was more than shocked when it opened and Mike, dressed in a towel, greeted her with a deep kiss. “I have been going wild waiting for you babes, I am horny as fuck”, he panted, giving her breast a little tweak. Sara was tempted to turn and run but he was really good looking with a great build under that towel.

Taking her hand gently in his he pulled her inside, kicking the door shut behind them.
“I know you always like to do it on the bed but I’ve got a surprise for you,” he said, and he pointed to a massage table in the middle of the room. “We can do some really horny stuff on that,” he smiled, I bought it yesterday and I can hardly wait to try it out.

The next thing she knew he was gently sliding off her top, then unhooking her bra. She responded cautiously by pulling on his towel revealing an enormous upright cock.

Mike let the towel drop away altogether as he went down on his knees to loosen her skirt and to remove her knickers. He stayed on his knees for a while and gently started to flick at her pussy with his tongue until Sara started to tremble and Mike, sensing she was ready for some action, he led her to the table. He laid down on it and guided her cunt onto his huge hard-on. She started to slide up and down on his rigid pole and as she increased the pace she body began to tremble as she started to cum, she felt Mike jerk upwards as he came inside her. All in all it was a great night. When Sara got home, Lynn asked how she got on, as she had had a bit of a dull date, when she heard she sighed and said laughing “Well that was a big cock up”.

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